Discover the next steps in your journey to Flourish.
What is We Flourish Windsor?
We are a trauma-informed group and are intentional about creating a space where people can explore how painful experiences may have impacted their lives and discover the next steps in their journey to flourish.

What is RE/ACT Windsor-Essex?
RE/ACT (recovery education for addictions and complex trauma)
RE/ACT is a no cost 12-week outpatient (not gender-specific) program that names the numerous ways trauma shapes our lives, thought patterns, behaviours, and health.
What is ACCEL Youth?
ACCEL is an adaptation of the RE/ACT program specifically designed to suit the needs of youth between the ages of 12-17 years. It is offered in a broad range of learning formats (including in-person, video, group activities and games) and learning styles (visual, auditory, relational, and kinesthetic learning).

What is EnRoute?
An Introduction to Complex Trauma
EnRoute is an introduction to the impact of traumatic experiences in our early years of life, and the impact it has on our addictions, mental health, and ability to enjoy life. This is an open session and all are welcome to join in.
What is Flourish Evenings?
Evening Recovery Education
Flourish Evenings is a program designed to educate and increase awareness around our unconscious drivers that may impede our capacity to thrive.